Monday, January 4, 2010


  • Math is finding solutions to problems.
  • I learn math best by trying to solve problem and then practicing a lot once I know the correct method. I know this because when I try to solve an equation on my own, even if I don't succeed and have to ask someone, I understand the correct method. When the material given to me without the struggle, I have a harder time understand why and how.
  • My students will have different learning styles. Some will learn best by doing the problems, listening to them be explained, or by watching them be solved. As a teacher, I need to teach in a manor so that all students will be able to understand.
  • In some of my math classes the teacher has had the students do problems on the board which is effective because it forces students to practice and to try to solve the problem without the teacher showing how it is done. I have also had teachers make the students try a problem before he or she explains how and why is it solved. This makes the students try to solve it for themselves which will help them understand whether or not they figure it out.
  • Methods of teaching that are not successful are long lectures where the students do not participate and aren't required to think about how or why the methods and strategies work.


  1. I am interested in what you have to say about what math is: solving problems. What problems are you talking about though? Problems in the class room, on paper, in families, throughout the world... There are many different options for that point of view. Yet, I do understand.
    I very much agree with your idea of what is detrimental. I feel long lectures lose the attention of the students and makes them not want to learn the subject anymore. I also agree that it is important to have the students try problems on their own. Though it is important to teach them the principle and concept clearly and fully beforehand.
    I'm not sure I understand or agree with your idea of learning through a "struggle." I understand learning on your own and trying to figure out problems (whether through asking someone or searching for the correct concepts). But how does this help someone learn and understand the correct method better than if a teacher gives someone the problem and then works it out with them? I feel having someone clearly explain something to me is very helpful. Almost more than be doing all the work on my own.

  2. I like your definition. It is pure and straight to the point. I think math solves not just numbers but great mysteries. I also agree with your assessment of failing before success. No one wants to fail but many lessons are learned from these failures. Through trying a problem before explanation, it forces the student to brainstorm and open their mind. It allows the student to prove the concept within their own mind.

    I disagree with just repetition of problems. Repetition helps a lot. However I think you should incorporate more examples and student input in class. This will allow learning with not so much HW. I always hated those teachers who gave me boat loads of HW to practice! :)

  3. I agree with how you think students will learn. It is so true that each student will have an individual style, as a teacher looking for that style is the right way to go. It will be an interesting job too. Each hour and each year we will have different students to work with and to learn from, discovering the new ways each new group learns.

    However, I am not sure I completely understand or agree with the method of doing a problem before learning how to do it, just to see where one struggles. I think that this could also be a negative thing. The first time I do something - it is committed to memory. Without the knowledge of how to do something, I worry that I could remember something incorrectly. Just a thought.

    Good job though, l enjoyed reading this!

  4. I love the title of your blog — it's very creative! It makes me think that I should have come up with a more creative title for our class blog.

    I find it very interesting that you find it helpful at times to work on problems for which you don't already know the solution. Just so that you know, many mathematics teachers these days teach exactly this way. They assign a problem or task for students to work on, and then through group work and whole class discussion, the students develop a solution method. Your classmates suggest some potential problems with this, but I also wonder if there might be some real advantages to this approach, too. What do you think?

    I also agree with your criticism of long lectures. I hate them as much as a teacher as I do as a student. I always feel so sorry for my students after I lecture to them. I feel like I should take everybody out for ice cream just to make up for their suffering!
